Monday, November 10, 2014

Black Friday: Five Tips to Score Big and Stay Sane

Black Friday shopping isn't for everyone.  Some prefer to pay full price for convenience and that is totally OK.  I personally love spending late nights/early mornings with my family as we sing along to the radio driving between stores and meeting new people in lines as we wait to score a big deal.  But we're from Minnesota where everyone is too cold to go crazy.

Quick Summary:  5 Tips for an Organized Black Friday

[1]  Make a List - Use a Black Friday app or paper shopping list to identify what you want, where to get it and how much it should cost.
[2]  Check it Twice - Add clearly identified backup items to your shopping list in case you can't score the original deal.
[3]  Make a Plan - Determine what stores you plan to visit in which order.  If possible scout stores early and look online for special Black Friday Doorbuster maps.  Get your ducks in a row by making sure savings apps are loaded, special coupons are loaded into your wallet and you have a divide and conquer plan with any co-shoppers.  Remember: carts are the kiss of death and to be avoided.
[4]  Be Prepared - Make sure your gas tank is full and car is stocked with a Black Friday kit.  Don't forget those ads!  They come in handy if you need to price match.
[5]  Plan Your Breaks - Schedule bathroom breaks, refuel stops and a moment to unload your bags to ensure you stay safe and have room.

[1]  Make a List:  Whether you download one of the many black Friday apps or prefer a hard copy of your shopping list, it’s important to go into Black Friday knowing what you want and what it’s going to cost you.  This will help you a) stay on budget b) stay on track and c) remember the must have items.

[2]  Check it Twice:  And while you’re at it, make sure you have backup items.  Coveted electronics or this year’s hot toy may sell out before you have a chance to even get near it.  It’s not a bad idea to identify other stores that carry the same item for a similar price or add a few backup items to the list.  Just be sure to identify these items as back up items so you don’t overbuy and spend precious holiday hours minutes in the return line at Kohl's.

[3]  Make a Plan:  Plan out the stores you’d like to visit in advance and write it down.  Having a plan can save precious “where to next” minutes.  It’s also a good idea to have a plan for when you’re in the store.  Can you scout out the aisles a few days before hand to see where wish list items may live?  Is there an online store map for Black Friday deals?  Popular stores have long waiting lines…does it make sense to divide and conquer shopping lists?  Does the store offer a special deal or checkout line for cardholders?  (Hint:  my local Target store has an express line for red card holders).  Now is a good time to make sure you have any extra store coupons stashed in your wallet and any savings apps loaded and ready to go.

Through years of experience, my family has developed an in-store strategy that works for us:  one person waits in line while the others shop.  Before we head out to the stores (or while we’re waiting in line outside) we divvy out our combined shopping lists.  My sister will hit home goods (décor, kitchen items, sheets), my sister-in-law conquers small electronics (mixers, dvds, cds, video games) and my aunt and myself get the big ticket or super popular items (tvs, hot toys, door busters).  We each grab a basket and get all the items in our assigned category.  Then we meet back in the checkout lines to distribute our finds accordingly and checkout.  This cuts our shopping time in half and our divide and conquer strategy makes it more likely we’ll find what we’re looking for.

Special Note:  Carts are often the kiss of death. They slow you down, limit mobility and cause the majority of in-store traffic jams. Only get one if you absolutely need it.

[4]  Be Prepared:  Make sure you have a full gas tank.  Dress comfortably and in layers that can be shed and donned easily.  Keep a black Friday shopping kit in the car (sales ads, water, snacks, energy drinks, extra winter gear, hand warmers and blankets).  Keep your phone charger handy and charge your phone between stores.

[5]  Plan Your Breaks:  Even the most dedicated shopper wears out, and with stores opening earlier every year it’s important to schedule breaks to empty the trunk of purchased goods, hit the bathroom and refuel.  Added bonus: unloading the trunk periodically insures plenty of room for more shopping and keeps your car from being an easy target for thrives.

My family usually goes to Walmart, Target, Ulta and Kohl’s, then takes a break.  We fuel up the gas tank, drop our purchases off at my mom’s house, reload on water and hit the bathroom.  Then we head back out to Best Buy, Toys R Us and the local mall.  Then it's then back to my mom's for another bathroom break and drop off.  Finally we make our way to Menards, Harley Davidson and Fleet Farm.  After Fleet Farm we have our traditional family lunch (around 11 AM) then head back home to sleep off the post-shopping euphoria.  The last few years my sister-in-law and I have both finished out Christmas shopping by noon on Black Friday, leaving us plenty of time to enjoy the season.
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