The (evil?) Mastermind Behind This Blog

Well, not actually evil.  Probably.

I always think these About Me pages are sort of ridiculous.  Blogs in general are narcissistic by nature...hello, the entire blog is me...posting about, well, me.  Maybe people check these About Me pages out to get a feel for the blog before committing to reading an entry, sort of like reading the back of the book before buying it.  In that case, you my friend are efficient and I can get behind that.

So About Me:  I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful and sometimes gross sons, a challenging full time job, a 1980s house and an extended family of which I'm proud to call crazy and my own.  I'm a voracious reader, am addicted to Canadian home design shows, love to eat and have a million dreams and goals I'd love to accomplish before it's too late.  I have a fondness for rap, live in the midwest and am above all else loyal to sweatpants Sunday.

About My Blog:  To be determined.  No, really.  There isn't a real point to this blog other than for me to organize my thoughts, document my memories and maybe connect with like minded people across the internet.

I'll add a picture in 2020 once I've mastered the art of the selfie.  Progress has been slow.

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