Ultimate To Do List

This may be shocking, but I'm not the most adventurous person in the world.  Once I find something I like (hypothetical example: eating pizza on the couch cuddling my baby and watching HGTV) I like to stick with it.  Some might even go so far as to say that I take the old adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it" a little too close to heart.  But every once-in-awhile I grow a wild (probably gray) hair and decide to do something new and exciting.

Below is a little list of things that both terrify and excite me.  Terrify because they probably don't involve the couch.  Excite because...well, they don't involve the couch.  Some day I hope to complete the list so when my children tell my future grandchildren that I'm older than the internet, I can say, "That's true, but I still did some cool stuff."

My Ultimate To Do List (in no particular order):
Ride a real train to somewhere new
Spend New Years Eve in Times Square
Ride in a helicopter
Stomp some grapes, then drink some wine
Explore London
Vacation in Hawaii
Stay at Inn Boonsboro
Spend a week at the Ocean
Plant a vegetable garden and keep it alive through the season
Bake a pie from scratch
Log 20 hours of volunteer time in one year
Run a 5K
Run a 10K
Write a story, any story.
Learn to quilt...then make one.
See another Vermeer in person
Read 10 Classics
Host a family holiday
Eat at a restaurant owned by a Celebrity Chef
Meet the Pioneer Woman
Attend a presidential inauguration
Be a part of a live studio audience
Finish researching my family genealogy
Learn to cook from scratch
Buy a vacation-type property "up north"
Learn to take photos without my thumb in them
Explore Minnesota with my kiddos
Learn to make candles or soap

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