Wednesday, November 5, 2014

And Then I Became Me Plus

I've spent the last few weeks focusing all of me on learning how to be a mom to my baby.  I know not everyone is totally blown away and knocked off their feet the first time they have a baby, but I was.  I'm a planner and I like to prepare for the unexpected, none of which you can do with a newborn, so I fear it's taken me awhile longer than most to catch my breath and find my bearings.

I'm sitting at the laptop covered in spit up, wearing three-day-old yoga pants and listening with one ear to the baby monitor.  My kiddo is happy and healthy (and sleeping!), I actually hear my husband when he tells me a story and while you certainly wouldn't want to eat off my floors you could get by with the five second rule if you feel lucky.

I'm starting to find my balance with my new role and I'm starting to remember that I'm me in addition to being my baby's mom.

Now that I'm getting into the swing of things, I've started to think about doing the things that have been floating around in the back of my head in between feedings and diaper changes and mad dashes to run errands while my husband is home.  I want to challenge my body and run another 5K.  I want to plan a vacation as a thank you to my husband for being amazing.  I want to start traditions with my son that he'll remember with joy and want to carry on with his own kids (in 50 years when he can finally date).  I've got a constantly evolving list of big things and little things I want to do once I have the energy to focus on them.

But first, I will attempt to shower at my leisure.  Baby steps.

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